9AM - SESSION 1: All Mens Divisions - Prejuding & Finals
1PM - SESSION 2: All Womens Divisions - Prejuding & Finals
Tower Theater for the Performing Arts - 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno, CA 93728 - www.towertheatrefresno.com
More Info Coming Soon...
Friday, July 9, 2021 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Check-In Location:
Tower Theater for the Performing Arts - 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno, CA 93728 - www.towertheatrefresno.com
All competitors must report on Friday, September 17th. There will be no check-ins on Saturday.
This competition is open to all NPC registered athletes who meet the following requirements:
Possess a current NPC card (unregistered athletes may purchase cards for $135.00, which is valid thru December 31, 2021. NPC cards are available at check-in.
Men’s Masters, 40, 50, Physique Masters 35, 45, Master’s Figure 35 and 45 Masters Bikini, 35 and 45. Must show proof of age, i.e., driver’s license, birth certificate).
Teenagers must be at least 18 yrs. old and not have reached their 20th birthday on the day of the show.
All Figure, Bikini & Physique competitors must be 18 years of age or older on day of contest.
Novice must not have previously won a Novice Competition or placed top 10 of a National level competition.
True Novice – Must not have ever competed in an NPC event.
Cross-overs are allowed.
NOTE: Each contestant may enter more than one division at a cost of $110 per division. Classes may be added at check-in.
No video or photography allowed.
No soliciting of photo or video services is allowed on the premises.
Bodybuilders/ Classic Physique/ Women’s Physique: Contestants are allowed to perform a 60 second posing routine.
Must be provided with one song without profanity. PLease submit your music via our registration site or bring to the checkins on a thumb drive.
Figure/Bikini/Physique: Please go to the NPC website at www.npcnewsonline.com click on the Competition Guidelines for posing requirements.
Competitors can go to: www.npcnewsonline.com and click on Competition Guidelines for posing suit requirements.
$120.00 Entry Fee, Payable to MuscleSport Productions.
Late entries fee $170.00 after September 15th, 2021. No Refunds.
NOTE: Each contestant may enter more than one division for a fee of $120 per division. Classes may be added at check-ins.
Masters Men 50+ - One Class
Masters Men 40+ - One Class
Novice Men
Lt. Wt. - up to 176 ¼
Hvy. Wt. - over 176 ¼
Open Men
Lt. Wt. - Up to 154 ¼
Mid. Wt. - over 154 ¼ to 176 ¼
Lt. Hvy. Wt. - over 176 ¼ to 198 ¼
Hvy. Wt. - over 198 ¼
Masters Classic 40+ - One Class
Novice Classic Physique - One Class
Open Classic Physique
Up to 5’7”
Over 5’7 to 5’10”
Over 5’10”
Up to 5’ 4”
Over 5’ 4”
Mens Physique Masters 45+ -One Class
Mens Physique Masters 35+
Up to & including 5’8”
Over 5’8”
Mens Teenage Physique - One Class
True Novice Physique
Up to 5’ 6”
Over 5’ 6” to 5’ 8”
Over 5’8” to 5’ 10”
Over 5’ 10”
Mens Novice Physique
Up to 5’ 6”
Over 5’ 6” to 5’ 8”
Over 5’8” to 5’ 10”
Over 5’ 10”
Open Mens Physique
Up to 5’ 7”
Over 5’ 7” to 5’8”
Over 5’ 8” to 5’ 9”
Over 5’ 9” to 5’ 11”
Over 5’ 11” to 6’
Over 6’
Masters Figure 35+
Novice Wellness
Up to 5’ 4”
Over 5’ 4”
Open Wellness
Up to 5’ 4”
Over 5’ 4”
Masters Figure 45+ - One Class
Masters Figure 35+
Up to 5’ 4”
Over 5’ 4”
Novice Figure
Up to 5’ 4”
Over 5’ 4”
Open Figure
Up to 5’ 2”
Over 5’ 2” to 5’ 4”
Over 5’ 4” to 5’ 6”
Over 5’ 6”
Masters Bikini 45+
Up to 5’ 4”
Over 5’ 4”
Masters Bikini 35+
Up to 5’ 4”
Over 5’ 4” to 5’6”
Over 5’6”
True Novice Bikini
Up to 5’ 2”
Over 5’ 2” to 5’ 4”
Over 5’ 4” to 5’ 6”
Over 5’ 6”
Novice Bikini
Up to 5’ 2”
Over 5’ 2” to 5’ 4”
Over 5’ 4” to 5’ 6”
Over 5’ 6”
Open Bikini
Up to 5’ 1”
Over 5’ 1” to 5’ 2 1/2”
Over 5’ 2 1/2” to 5’ 4”
Over 5’ 4” to 5’ 5 1/2”
Over 5’ 5 1/2” to 5’ 7”
Over 5’ 7”