Each competitor must be a member of the NPC.
NPC Figure Division Rules
Competitors will compete in a two-piece suit. The bottom of the suit must be v-shaped. No thongs are permitted. Competitors can compete in an off the racksuit. All swimsuits must be in good taste.
Figure will not have a routine round.
Competitors must wear high heels.
Competitors may wear jewelry
NATIONAL LEVEL contests do not permit competitors to crossover into Bodybuilding, Fitness or Bikini at the same event. All other competitions are permitted to have crossovers at the discretion of the promoter with appropriate approval.
HEIGHT CLASSES – for national level contests that are professional qualifiers:
Up to and including 5’1”
Over 5’1” and up to and including 5’2-1/2”
Over 5’2-1/2 and up to and including 5’4”
Over 5’4” and up to and including 5’5-1/2”
Over 5’5-/12 and up to and including 5’7”
Over 5’7”
A promoter can choose to have fewer height classes for non national level contests as follows:
For all contests with two (2) classes:
Up to and including 5’4”
Over 5’4”
For all contests with three (3) classes:
Up to and including 5’4”
Over 5’4” and up to and including 5’6”
Over 5’6”
For all contests with four (4) classes:
Up to and including 5’2”
Over 5’2” and up to and including 5’4”
Over 5’4” and up to and including 5’6”
Over 5’6”
Figure division competitors will be checked in and measured
Competitors will walk to the center of the stage alone and perform quarter (1/4) turns, face the judges as directed then proceed to the side of the stage.
COMPARISON ROUND – Two Piece Swimsuit:
Competitors will be judged wearing a two-piece swimsuit and high heels
The competitors will be brought back out in a group and directed to do quarter turns
Judges will have the opportunity to compare competitors against each other in quarter turns.
SCORING – Judges will be scoring competitors using the following
Small degree of muscularity with separation, no visible striations
Overall muscle tone with shapely lines, overall firmness and not excessively lean
Full general assessment
Healthy appearance
Skin tone
NPC Junior USA Figure Championships
NPC Junior National Figure Championships
NPC Masters Nationals Figure Championships
NPC USA Figure Championships
NPC Team Universe Figure Championships
NPC North American Figure Championships
NPC National Figure Championships
Who qualifies for Figure National level competitions:
Competitors that place in the top five (5) in each class at national qualifying contests qualify for the Junior USA, Junior Nationals, Team Universe and North American Championship competitions. Competitors that place in the top three (3) in each class at national qualifying contests qualify for the USA and National Championships.
One-year qualification for the top five (5) places in each class at national-level contests previously listed.
ENTRY INFORMATION – the following must be provided with your entry:
NPC figure contest you entered
Date of your contest
Contest promoter
Your height class and final placing